Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Beach Baby

I can't believe I forgot to post these pictures! A few weekends back the family took an impromptu road trip to Corpus Christi. We had always talked about taking road trips or having weekend getaways but never really went on one. Finally everything aligned for us to follow Michael on a business trip. The only beach out here I've seen is Galveston and there's no comparison to the beaches in Orange County, but I was assured that this beach was going to be a lot better than "water licking up to dirt". I was skeptical to say the least. After about a 3 hour car ride and almost 2 movies later, we arrived in Corpus around 11pm. We woke up the next morning Starbucks in hand and set out to explore the town. When we got to the beach we were able to drive right up onto the sand and take Baby E for her first adventure in the ocean! She loved it just as much as the pool but she tried to eat the sand and sea shells. I must say that it didn't compare to the beaches in California, but it was much better than Galveston. I could definitely see us getting a beach vacation home here, hint hint!

Since the weather was hot in Corpus, but not as humid in Houston I opted for this cute cotton dress I bought at Target a while back. The secret to finding cute simple dresses like this is to shop outside the box...I found this gem in the little girls section! I hope you enjoy our photos from our beach adventure

Thank you Matt for taking these photos

Dress: Target (old)
Jewelry: Tiffany bead earrings, Necklace and bracelet from Museum of Modern Art Houston, Marc Jacobs ring
Sunglasses: Chanel 


Victoria | Haute said...

Baby E is soooo cute!!! You should definitely get a beach house there, she'd love it ;) haha.

ps. your necklace is fabulous!!

Unknown said...
I Z A B E L AJuly 12, 2012 5:23 PM

so beautiful xx

Joice J Allan said...

Beautiful pictures and your baby look adorable! I just moved to a new blog and you have a great blog! please check out my blog and if you like it, please follow me on Google Friend Connect and Bloglovin, I promise to do the same for you! xx

Joice J Allan said...

Following you back on GFC and Bloglovin, thank you! xx

Christina said...

Your baby is so adorable! :) And that blue looks wonderful on you.


Lauren Dimesky said...

Sooo cute!! I can't stand it!!

Loving your blog,

Unknown said...

the colour of your blue dress is very rich and beautiful <3
would you like to follow each other?

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